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4chan leaker

The posts from 4chan were before 29/10/16 You can see the original post from reddit; "there's a sequence where bran controls a flock of ravens and sends them to eastwatch".

"the scene opens on bran coming to from a vision, i think before this there might be a scene of the white walker army but i dont know that for sure, meera is pulling him on a new sled which i guess she somehow built but dont expect the show to ever explain that. theyre right outside of castle black and the gates open and Edd and some other nights watch dudes come out. meera introduces herself first and they dont care which is stupid because the reeds are a noble family as well but whatever d&d are hacks. then she introduces bran and he tells them he knows about the Fist of the First Men. then they bring them inside and thats pretty much it. bran seemed kind of fucked up in this scene and i think theyre trying to imply he already knows the wall is going to fall because he keeps staring at it".

Dany vs Lannisters"Randyll is leading a long procession of caravans and it is pretty much a slaughter of the lannisters by the the dothraki and drogon until bronn saves the day by downing a dragon with a harpoon arrow launcher thing named scorpion"."dany attacks randyll and dickons caravan loot train thing with drogon and horde of dothraki, jaime and bronn show up with their army, lots of lannister and tarly slaughter by team dany, bronn shoots and hits drogon with an arrow launching ballista, drogon goes down (but lives because plot armor), jaime sees that dany is vulnerable and charges at her, gets close to killing her but drogon is about to roast him so bronn runs in at the last second and saves him by knocking him into the water. tyrion is watching jaime ride to his death from the distance the whole time. then theres another underwater scene where bronn saves him from drowning". iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Sat 29 Oct 2016 07:18:00 No.75779707 ViewReport >>75779670 Yeah they probably have to film underwater shots in a controlled studio iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Sat 29 Oct 2016 07:10:20 No.75779490 ViewReport >>75778728 But jaime does get knocked into the water sooo. Nobody falls off a dragon though iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Thu 27 Oct 2016 06:50:40 No.75716833 ViewReport >>75716775 That the leaker actually bothered to mention. iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Wed 26 Oct 2016 19:23:54 No.75703920 ViewReport >>75703906 Dany isn't even there iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Wed 26 Oct 2016 19:20:09 No.75703867 ViewReport >>75703645 Nothing at Riverrun that I know of

If you're talking about the sea battle of Euron vs Yara and Theon, there's no dragons, Euron just fires a bunch of fireballs and burns Yaras fleet, then gets on yaras ship and stars slaughtering people, stabs Obara in the stomach, bashes another snakes head against a railing (I think nymeria), then captures Yara, and theon panics and jumps

I am just as confused as you are about why we got the castle black scene iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Wed 26 Oct 2016 18:58:32 No.75703597 ViewReport >>75703530 That's the thing, I don't know about that. I literally have not seen any arya or sansa stuff. the only thing I do know for sure about the winterfell plot line (bran and the ravens) the leaker never mentioned as far as I'm aware. Which could just be a coincidence

>>75703565 Then how did I know about gendry and the hammer and the polar bear before the reddit leaker said anything iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Wed 26 Oct 2016 18:54:08 No.75703531 ViewReport >>75703509 I don't get my information from the sets and I'm a way more direct source than "lol my friend is a writer and told me the script" but ok iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Wed 26 Oct 2016 18:51:26 No.75703495 ViewReport >>75703392 Also just want to add the reason this scene comes off as important though I don't know the context is because it briefly involves the night king and you'd think a leaker would mention a night king scene since there's so few every season, including this one (4 in total I think)

>>75703428 No idea, sorry. I don't know about scenes that only involve dialogue I only know about ones that are heavily action oriented iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Wed 26 Oct 2016 18:43:50 No.75703392 ViewReport Quoted By: >>75703495 >>75703194 >inb4 people call me a liar again when I've literally been describing scenes from season 7 before reddit guy posted about them and I mentioned the polar bear and gendrys hammer and bronn's arrow ballista named scorpion and jaime getting pushed into the water etc before he did

Anyway I think reddit guy might not know all about the winterfell plot line because there's a sequence where bran controls a flock of ravens and sends them to eastwatch and I don't believe the reddit leaker ever mentioned it. If he did then someone correct me but I've been waiting to find out what the context of that scene is supposed to be and am surprised it never came up because it gave me the impression that it's one of the more important moments of the season (for the stuff going on in winterfell at least). If he did mention it then i retract my statements and endorse him as 100% legit. I didn't pay attention to the PMs he sent to people. iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Wed 26 Oct 2016 03:27:20 No.75678472 ViewReport >>75677463 By bran*

Fix that for you View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAO IMG_20161024_062253.jpg, 69KiB, 770x575 iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Tue 25 Oct 2016 20:24:22 No.75670547 ViewReport Help me out got iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Tue 25 Oct 2016 16:22:30 No.75665815 ViewReport >>75665529 I actually thought the wight polar bear was wight summer at first and was pretty disappointed that it wasnt. It would have made more sense if they went to find a wight as proof and took summer with brans help. The polar bear thing is too random. View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAO 1470757070586.jpg, 16KiB, 409x382 iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Fri 21 Oct 2016 06:52:05 No.75509071 ViewReport Post your face when """"azor ahai reborn"""" gets bitch slapped and btfo by a polar bear and is useless in the rest of the fight View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAO 1470739399532.jpg, 12KiB, 230x205 Iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Fri 21 Oct 2016 06:33:12 No.75508625 ViewReport >>75508539 iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Fri 21 Oct 2016 06:04:01 No.75507859 ViewReport Did reddit leaker mention gendrys hammer? iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Thu 20 Oct 2016 09:25:52 No.75483273 ViewReport The reddit fags who are claiming shit like

>muh vfx friend of a friend said they didn't hear about this special effect heavy scene so It can't be true

Are the most retarded of all as are the people who are taking their comments as confirmation that the leaks are fake. iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Thu 20 Oct 2016 09:08:17 No.75482807 ViewReport >>75482773 So are you finished accusing me of being the same person or what

Also link to where reddit person said that before I did iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Thu 20 Oct 2016 09:01:34 No.75482624 ViewReport >>75482593 Reddit leaker or me? iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Thu 20 Oct 2016 08:55:55 No.75482495 ViewReport >>75482191 Of course he doesn't

>>75482315 And who are you iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Thu 20 Oct 2016 08:41:37 No.75482084 ViewReport >>75482048 >by downing a dragon I meant by downing drogon obviously iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Thu 20 Oct 2016 08:40:35 No.75482048 ViewReport Quoted By: >>75482084 >>75481743 >>75481809 I described the gist of the scene in either the last thread or the one before it. Randyll is leading a long procession of caravans and it is pretty much a slaughter of the lannisters by the the dothraki and drogon until bronn saves rhe day by downing a dragon with a harpoon arrow launcher thing named scorpion. I don't know what the train is for but rest assured it is not a dany coronation procession like people seem to be convinced. iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Thu 20 Oct 2016 08:26:31 No.75481673 ViewReport >>75481479 Also apparently there's some new set leaks about a scene with a procession and people think it's Dany's coronation or something

It's not, it's randyll and dickons loot train that I mentioned in the thread yesterday iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Thu 20 Oct 2016 08:17:33 No.75481479 ViewReport Quoted By: >>75481673 So have you guys officially accepted that the leaks are true

Did you really fucking think the show was better than this shit iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Thu 20 Oct 2016 07:58:33 No.75481023 ViewReport >>75480697 I fucking told you guys iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Thu 20 Oct 2016 05:18:11 4chan Time: 10/19/16(Wed)14:18 No.75476658 ViewReport >>75476592 I'm sticking to everything I said iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Thu 20 Oct 2016 05:13:47 No.75476552 ViewReport >>75476191 >All I can say is that some people in the north will go south and meet Daenerys, but not Jon

This jonfag is wrong. Jon definitely meets dany and drogon in the south at dragonstone. iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Thu 20 Oct 2016 04:55:45 No.75476114 ViewReport >>75476092 I'm not him for fucks sake iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Thu 20 Oct 2016 04:53:44 No.75476069 ViewReport >>75475919 Bullshit, somebody is lying. Wight viserion ridden by night king to burn down the wall is 100% happening, theon jumping overboard the Silence is 100% happening, etc. Either reddit guy is the best guesser in the history of mankind or he's just fucking with everyone now. iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Thu 20 Oct 2016 04:36:14 No.75475650 ViewReport >>75475492 There's no fucking way this guy doesn't know at least something. Nobody can guess that much correctly. Either it's fake or he's double playing everyone or less likely he got caught and its damage control. iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Thu 20 Oct 2016 02:18:50 No.75472563 ViewReport >>75472453 dragonstone is the place they were installing those battlements at a week or two ago View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAO 234253647585.png, 33KiB, 80x91 iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Wed 19 Oct 2016 17:54:19 No.75464730 ViewReport >>75464642 h'okay iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Wed 19 Oct 2016 17:36:51 No.75464480 ViewReport >>75464285 sure

dany attacks randyll and dickons caravan loot train thing with drogon and horde of dothraki, jaime and bronn show up with their army, lots of lannister and tarly slaughter by team dany, bronn shoots and hits drogon with an arrow launching ballista, drogon goes down (but lives because plot armor), jaime sees that dany is vulnerable and charges at her, gets close to killing her but drogon is about to roast him so bronn runs in at the last second and saves him by knocking him into the water. tyrion is watching jaime ride to his death from the distance the whole time. then theres another underwater scene where bronn saves him from drowning which is probably what those leaks from a couple weeks ago were about, though nobody actually falls off a dragon so i dont know where that came from.

>>75464392 im flattered you think im this creative/autistic View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAO VEHA2s_U.gif, 2MiB, 250x188 iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Wed 19 Oct 2016 17:15:50 No.75464129 ViewReport >>75463981 whatever m8

did redditfag mention the fact that the wight bear bitch slaps jon and hes pretty useless for the rest of the fight, 'azor ahai' doesnt even get a fire sword even though both beric and thoros have one, its pretty pathetic

or that jaime gets within an inch of blowing dany the fuck out until bronn cockblocks and knocks him into the water at the last second

you heard it here first iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Wed 19 Oct 2016 17:03:50 No.75463939 ViewReport >>75463841 i havent pmed anybody. im still waiting for him to respond to me and im pretty pissed he hasnt yet because i want more info on my favorite character.

also ive consistently said i dont personally know anything about the winterfell plotline or a couple other storylines so i dont know where youre getting the idea that im embellishing the stuff that i do know. ive been pretty up front about the fact that i have a limited amount of information iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Wed 19 Oct 2016 16:52:53 No.75463721 ViewReport >>75463655 if i was redditfag why havent i logged onto reddit in days to continue handing out spoilers for the attention, why would i just post here where nobody outside of 4chan cares

the only reason i started posting spoilers is because redditfag already diverted the attention to him so if anyone gets caught for being a dumbass itll be him and not me View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAO 7675.jpg, 70KiB, 335x335 iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Wed 19 Oct 2016 16:41:08 No.75463526 ViewReport >>75463405 >still not believing the spoilers iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Wed 19 Oct 2016 07:36:58 No.75448831 ViewReport >>75448741 Jaime Gets rescued by bronn iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Tue 18 Oct 2016 08:25:51 No.75417240 ViewReport >>75417185 lol ok iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Tue 18 Oct 2016 08:23:34 No.75417162 ViewReport >>75417119 Reddit guy is wrong if he called it an island but it does take place by a lot of water so what difference does it make iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Tue 18 Oct 2016 08:21:02 No.75417078 ViewReport >>75417049 I never used the word island, ever iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Tue 18 Oct 2016 08:19:11 No.75417017 ViewReport >>75416914 Because they're not even really on an island. They're like by the edge of the water on pack ice and the dragons make it worse by melting away a lot of it. iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Tue 18 Oct 2016 08:13:33 No.75416864 ViewReport >>75416827 I don't write for the fucking show iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Tue 18 Oct 2016 08:09:35 No.75416739 ViewReport >>75415986 I think the dragons melt away the ice around them as they burn up the wights. iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Mon 17 Oct 2016 15:49:30 No.75396007 ViewReport >>75395743 didnt i just basically say i was riding his coattails

but i dont even know if hes right about everything or just made a couple of really, really lucky guesses. everything i said is completely accurate though iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Mon 17 Oct 2016 14:23:15 No.75393774 ViewReport >>75393691 I guess theres no way i can prove im not redditguy he never responded to my pm though which im pretty bummed about iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Mon 17 Oct 2016 14:15:27 No.75393553 ViewReport >>75393477 if i was doing it for attention i would create a reddit account and start commenting on 4 month old posts and giving spoilers when nobody asked

people here asked, and i responded. i was hoping somebody would spill the beans first since the conversation was getting so repetitive here iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Mon 17 Oct 2016 14:11:55 No.75393448 ViewReport >>75393424 fuck brad he has no reason to use a trip except narcissism iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Mon 17 Oct 2016 14:08:34 No.75393349 ViewReport >>75393158 im not even touching this. im not stupid enough to tell everyone where i got my info from.

by the way im gonna start using a trip so people stop pretending to be me iw !l.Vg2uZ4bo Mon 17 Oct 2016 14:07:33 No.75393322 ViewReport i wood evan rachel

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